Big Hunk/Charleston Chews

3 c sugar
2 c corn syrup
1/2 c water (scant for softer chew)

1 t vanilla
1 t butter
3 egg whites
1 1/4 c nuts (optional for Charleston chew)

Seperate egg whites and put them in mixer ready to mix. Do not start beating yet. Pre measure butter, vanilla and nuts to be ready to dump when needed. Combine sugar, corn syrup, and water to soft crack on the candy thermometer. (I start beating the egg whites at soft ball) Add slowly to well beaten egg whites. beat until heavy. Quickly add vanilla, butter and fold in nuts. Spread on well greased and flowered jelly roll sheet to 3/4 in thick. When cool wipe off grease with paper towel and cut into bite sized pieces. Dip in tempered milk chocolate for Charleston chew.


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